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Yokosuka, Jax,FL, Japan

Thursday, September 23, 2010

What I learn today!!!

Today I learn.......

That there are some moments in life where you have to choose when to Speak up or Stay quiet. And right now I have to Stay quiet.

That Honesty can be hurtful but you have to be honest no matter what. I choose to be honest.

That everyone have their opinion and you have to respect it. I will respect yours and I expect you to respect mine. That doesn’t mean I’m right and you wrong is just an opinion and we don’t have to agree.

That every ones back grown, culture, ways, manners, custom, are different but that doesn’t make you wrong just different. I’m different thats all.

That if you care about someone that have a different back grown, culture, ways, manners, customs, you have to learn how to respect them and how to treat them because they are different and no always what is ok for you will be ok for them.

That the word FRIENDSHIP has one meaning but everyone expectations are different.

That everyone act different in certain situations. That doesn’t mean they are wrong, or don’t care is just the way they are just learn them and respect them.

To accept people how they are. They grow up that way....you can't change them just accept them. Your life will be easier.

That no matter what people will ALWAYS have their own opinion of YOU. But at the end You know who You are, You know what You have done, You know your truths and You don't need to prove Yourself to anyone.

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