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Yokosuka, Jax,FL, Japan

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I need to vent!!! OMG this crazy military wife group or how ever u want to call it is crazy. This is a circus and Im not about to join them. I never knew you could hear,see and interact with people like this. I thought the show Army Wife was just fake well no is not. These group, circle or how ever you want to call it is juts like that. They should have call that show "Military Wife." I have been here having this relationship for a hold year now and Im surprise. All I can say is I miss my FRIENDS the one that doesn't used me or criticizes me. The one who accept me the way I am. Right now I feel so confuse and I can even say hurt. You can find anything in this little group of people. Is crazy how people used you all the time. They want you to babysit for them but they never ask if you need some one to babysit for you. They don't ask how much (is not like Im going to charge u) but come on not even $5 for the McDonald that you might have to buy is not like I need the money Im going to tell you "NO is ok" but is just been polite. People just because I don't have a full time job and I have just one child mean that Im 100% available mmm I go to school full time, I have a husband and I have lots of responsibility. Just saying! I like to help but don't abused me because you only call me or remember that I exist just when you need something. Jum!!! Really??!! It is crazy how you see women wearing the rank. Really you not in the military but sometimes I think you are the one who should have joined. I dont care about you rank you can be the wife of the Captain of the base but if you my friend I will say hi to you regardless with who Im with. Stop the been fake your husband is the one the wear the rank no you so I don't care. You can find the fake ones. The one that smile and act like everything is perfect but as soon you turn around you are the subject of conversation. The one that everything is perfect in her own little land but at the end of the day everything is falling apart. Really lets be real for once. The true will set you free. The one that look what you wearing and if it is from Gucci or Prada and how many times you have wear it. Are you serious? MMM we in this little places with no a lot to buy and most likely I will repeat what I wear a millions time. You have the sensitive one the one that assume even before talking to you. I have a life I do stuff and just because I didn't answer you call right when you call me doesn't mean Im mad at you or you did something to me. Is something that it call been busy thats all. Don't over react! It really bother me that you cant understand that I have a husband and a daughter but i respect when yours come home and I don't bother you, but is so easy for you to get mad because I have stuff to do with my husband and I cant spend time with you. Really!!! I respect you why cant you respect me? This places is like a circus waiting to see who is going to join them and I refuse to join. I have my own opinions and my own believes. I have learn how to respect yours respect mine. I cant please every body and understand that my main concern is to please ME!!!! Is crazy and it bother me a lot because sometimes I don't even know how to act. How to color my hair or what to buy or no to buy, what to say or not to say, how to act. I don't like it because thats no been my self. And I hate to be fake Im not a fake person I don't need to be. It bother me a lot because Im used to been free. And sometimes I feel that I cant be free. I cant stop my life for no one but some times I feel I have to here because they watch what you say what you do and every step you do is judge in one way or another and who like to be judge and 99% of the time when people judge you and talk about you is wrong. I cant please no body and I need to be happy I will keep been me and if you can't accept me like that then you can't be my friend!!!!


  1. I avoided military friendships in both my marriages for those exact reasons. It's CRAZY!

  2. yeah I always avoid them but since i move to japan thats all I have and is crazy.

