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Yokosuka, Jax,FL, Japan

Sunday, November 21, 2010

To do or not to do!

Right now Im so upset I need to vent because if I don't I will end up doing something that is not nice and I believe in Karma I know she will get her soon but if I do what I want to do Karma will come back to me. I want to do something really bad that I can discuses here just because I don't know who read this and just because I know is bad really bad what I want to do. God please help me not to do it no to get on her level because Im more than whatever she can be. Im a woman a real one. So confused!


  1. Sometimes you just need to vent. I usually write in down on real paper. Reread it and then throw it out. When I read it to myself I realize how crazy I sound! And how I am better than the vile thoughts I wrote down. Good luck hun! And yes you are always the better person

  2. Have someone else do it for you... LOL

    Hope it got better girlie!

  3. u see thats why u my friend i feel u on that one lmao u bad just like me Jess!!!! now u gave me the feeling again lmao ;0)

