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Yokosuka, Jax,FL, Japan

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 8 of 30

Your favorite internet friend....

This was hard so I cant pick one bc I actually have two so here they are:

First is Jessica from Ramdom Ratings We met in High School in Marine Biology lol. We weren’t friends like that we only talk in class but somehow we reconnect through Facebook(lol) (I told u! You can find anyone in FB lol)and I began to read her blog and made my own. She was my 1st follower for a long time lol thank Jess!!!! ;0) I hope one day I can go back home and go lunch or get to see her again.

This is Josafat I meet him through a friend of mine I have never see him in person he live in Mexico but we connected through Facebook lol and we stay friend we talk a lot and he is a nice guy and I cant wait to go to Mexico and meet him. He can be my ONLINE BFF lol!!!!


  1. We werent friends in high school? WTF? lol

    I am coming to visit you in Japan! DUH
    I gotta get a passport first...

  2. lol we used to talk in class u know what i mean crazy girl yes come and visit hurry u have 2 more yrs ;0) u dont have to worry about a places to stay just ur ticket ;0)

